Ticket returns

To obtain a refund for tickets to an event that has been canceled or postponed, please enter your order number (e.g. TC12345) and the email address from which the order was placed (e.g. kowalski@gmail.com) in the form below and confirm the data by clicking the CHECK button. Then please select the tickets you wish to return and confirm your selection by clicking the RETURN TICKETS button.

The form below will only allow you to make a refund if the funds can be returned to the same account or card used to pay for the order and if you have access to the email address from which the order was placed. After completing the form correctly, you will receive an email with a link to confirm the return.

The refund will be processed within 30 days, but it usually takes us about 1-3 business days. If you want to change the account details for the transfer or you do not have access to the email address from which the order was placed, please contact us at pomoc@ticketclub.pl .

PLEASE NOTE! For events that are cancelled or postponed due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, refunds may be processed for up to 180 days. More details: Ważny komunikat
14.05: STREFA PLAŻA - JuweŚroda - Guzior | Otschochodzi | x | x - main photo of the event

The fan bought a ticket for
14.05: STREFA PLAŻA - JuweŚroda - Guzior | Otschochodzi | x | x
5 minut ago